
At Adelphia Steganos, we are passionately dedicated to transforming our environment through raising awareness about altruism. We strive to provide developmental opportunities to those who need them the most. We believe in the power of collaboration and empathy as driving forces to create positive and sustainable changes in our society.


We aspire to establish ourselves as a national and international benchmark in philanthropic endeavors. Our vision extends beyond borders, with the steadfast goal of unlocking the potential in every individual to become a change agent. We aim to inspire communities and organizations to join our mission, building a world where solidarity and justice stand as fundamental pillars.

The Adelphia Steganos Scholarship

At Adelphia Steganos, the fundamental belief that education is the engine of social transformation drives our actions. Through the Adelphia Steganos Scholarship, we have successfully covered the entire university education expenses for young individuals facing significant challenges. Each educational achievement becomes a milestone in our journey towards a more inclusive and promising future.

In this endeavor, every gesture of support matters, and the shared successes inspire us to continue building a world where education is a universal right. We express gratitude to those who join our cause, inviting them to actively be a part of this story of transformation and hope. Together, we make a difference!

Education for All
Community Awareness
Culture for all

Our "Education for All" initiative reflects our commitment to equal access to quality education. Through scholarships such as the IKU Scholarship and the Adelphia Steganos Scholarship, we provide financial support to young individuals facing vulnerabilities. These scholarships not only open doors to educational opportunities but also represent an investment in the transformative potential of each student, building solid foundations for a future filled with opportunities.

The "Community Awareness" initiative focuses on concrete actions aimed at improving the quality of life for girls and boys residing in shelters. Beyond providing material support such as clothing, footwear, food, and basic supplies, we concentrate on social integration activities. From yoga sessions to informative talks, we work to create an environment that fosters overall well-being and active participation of the young ones in society.

With our "Culture for All" program, we aim to break down barriers and bring cultural activities to communities that might not otherwise have access to them. Through inclusive and participatory events, we foster comprehensive community development. Our goal is to enrich people's lives by promoting cultural diversity and stimulating a sense of belonging. In each cultural activity, we plant seeds of creativity and understanding, thus contributing to the creation of more vibrant and connected communities. At Adelphia Steganos, we believe in the transformative power of culture to build a more inclusive and enriching future.

What we do?

Three pillars guide our path:
Education, Culture, and Philanthropy


How to Help?

  1. Monetary Donations: Contribute with a direct monetary donation, supporting our philanthropic activities and educational programs. Every contribution, regardless of its size, is a valuable investment in the positive change we aim to achieve.

  2. Scholarships and Specific Programs: Allocate your donation to a specific scholarship, such as the Ikus Scholarship or the Adelphia Steganos Scholarship, or support a particular philanthropic program. By choosing this option, you have the opportunity to direct your contribution to areas that resonate with your personal values.

  3. In-Kind Donations: We appreciate not only financial support but also in-kind donations. Clothing, food, educational materials, and other items can make a difference in the lives of those we serve. Your in-kind generosity is a tangible way to create a direct impact.

  4. Exchanges and Collaborations: If you have skills, resources, or services that could benefit our cause, we explore the possibility of exchanges and collaborations. We are open to synergies that strengthen our efforts and promote community well-being.

Tax-Deductible Donations: For those looking to maximize their impact and receive tax benefits, we offer the option of tax-deductible donations. Your contribution will not only strengthen our initiatives but also allow you to receive tax advantages according to current legislation.



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